EIT Raw Materials Funding for Master in Sustainable Materials (SUMA)

The EIT-Labelled Master Programme in Sustainable Materials (SUMA) has received funding from EIT Raw Materials to continue educating high-level European and international engineering and science students in the field of materials science and engineering. Organised by...

EIT funding secured for new Circular Economy Summer Schools

SIM² KU Leuven and MRC are delighted to announce that they secured funding for a new EIT RawMaterials education project (DocSumECE). In 2021 and 2022, we and our European partners will organize several PhD summer schools (face-to-face or online) on Entrepreneurship in...

Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy obtains Impact Factor of 2,109

In March 2015 the Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy launched its first issue. Now, just more than 5 years later, this TMS Journal obtained its first official Impact Factor. With a score of 2,109, the journal ranks second among TMS journals for 2019. The future for...

AWARE Workshop – “Welcome to Weeeland and Relight”

On 5th November 2019, within the EIT PROJECT AWARE and specifically WP2 and WP3, the partner Relight organized a Workshop for the University of Trento students and high-school teachers. The session was organized in collaboration with the other project partners...


On 15th  May 2020, Aware project was presented by Relight in the on-line academic  seminar “ECONOMIA CIRCOLARE E RICICLO”. The webinar was organized by University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB) within the Italian nation project PLS “Piano Lauree Scientifiche Scenza dei...