Raising public awareness on electronic waste as a source of valuable materials (AWARE)

a Wider Society Learning project of

AWARE. Raising public awareness on electronic waste as a source of valuable materials

The aim of the project is to increase the share of waste ending up in official take-back systems instead of losing the resource to waste disposal or incineration plants and collection outside official take-back systems. To achieve that, the project focuses on education and involvement of school children, both to raise the awareness of end-of-life electronics as a resource, and through them to bring the message into families and the society as whole.



Press Release: “The Sami Perspective: a new mini-documentary”

Press Release: “The Sami Perspective: a new mini-documentary”

The long-awaited mini-documentary “The Sami Perspective” is now available. The film tries to understand why the indigenous reindeer-herding Sami communities are so strongly opposed to metal mining in the North of Sweden. This joint press release provides the essential background.