Raising public awareness on electronic waste as a source of valuable materials (AWARE)

a Wider Society Learning project of

AWARE. Raising public awareness on electronic waste as a source of valuable materials

The aim of the project is to increase the share of waste ending up in official take-back systems instead of losing the resource to waste disposal or incineration plants and collection outside official take-back systems. To achieve that, the project focuses on education and involvement of school children, both to raise the awareness of end-of-life electronics as a resource, and through them to bring the message into families and the society as whole.



Slovenian children know e-waste well

Slovenian children know e-waste well

As an external collaborator in the AWARE project we also conducted eco-workshops for children in Slovenia in order to present them e-waste and its proper handling. In the company ZEOS, d.o.o. from Slovenia, we have been dealing with the proper management...

E-waste recycling (school kid) heroes in the making!

E-waste recycling (school kid) heroes in the making!

The EIT RawMaterials AWARE team went to the Zevensprong (Leuven, BE) to talk to 40 primary school kids about the importance of e-waste recycling. Through this experience, the kids were motivated to become real recycling heroes.

Is data the new gold? A case study for repair data

Is data the new gold? A case study for repair data

In collaboration with TU Berlin, the SIM² KU Leuven Lifecycle Engineering (LCE) research group published a study that provides key knowledge on potential opportunities and limits of repair data for specific repair applications.

The curse of white oil?

The curse of white oil?

“The curse of ‘white oil’: electric vehicles’ dirty secret” is the attention-grabbing headline of an in-depth article on lithium mining published in The Guardian (Dec’ 8, 2020). Peter Tom Jones (SIM², KU Leuven) reacts in this piece.

Webinar series ‘Towards a Responsible Supply Chain for Electronics’

Webinar series ‘Towards a Responsible Supply Chain for Electronics’

In three webinars, expert panelists will explore ways “Towards a responsible Supply Chain for Electronics – From Mining to Manufacturing” and analyse the different links in the ICT supply chain, from e.g. copper production, to artisanal and small-scale mining, and worker rights in manufacturing.

EIT funding secured for new Circular Economy Summer Schools

EIT funding secured for new Circular Economy Summer Schools

SIM² KU Leuven and MRC are delighted to announce that they secured funding for a new EIT RawMaterials education project (DocSumECE), comprising several PhD summer schools on Entrepreneurship in the Circular Economy in 2021-22.